Keto diets have become a popular way to lose weight due to their effectiveness. Ketogenic diets burn fat for energy so the weight lost is usually body fat.
Unfortunately, many people do not do the diet correctly so they don’t get the results they want. Our goal is to provide you with information about the diet as well as information about how to enhance ketosis to lose even more weight.
This page is a scientific look at the diet and how we can use science to enhance ketosis.
Ketosis Q&A is more about managing the diet than enhancing it. If you are new to ketogenic diets, you may want to check out the Q&A first.

Enhancing Ketosis FAQ
The enhancing ketosis FAQ is a scientific look at the diet and how we can use science to enhance ketosis as well as maintain optimal ketosis. Click the button below to go to the page, or click on a specific question.
What is dietary ketosis?
What is a ketogenic diet?
What are the rules for being on a ketogenic diet?
What happens to your body during ketosis?
What gets you out of ketosis?
Insulin and ketosis
Diabetes research and ketosis
Using research areas of focus to enhance ketosis
Enhancing ketosis based on research targets
Affecting glucose utilization to enhance ketosis
Minimizing glucose production in the liver to enhance ketosis
Suppressing carbohydrate absorption in the intestines to enhance ketosis
Keeping the kidneys from reabsorbing glucose to enhance ketosis
Do keto pills work?
What is KetoSavior™?
What is KetoGuardian™?

Keto Q&A
Questions about ketogenic diets, how ketosis works and the science behind keto along with answers for each. Click the button below to go to the page, or click on a specific question.
What is dietary ketosis?
What is a ketogenic diet?
What are the rules for ketogenic diets?
What are the types of ketogenic diets?
What happens to your body during ketosis?
How do you get into ketosis?
How do you stay in ketosis?
What can you eat on a ketogenic diet?
What are Net Carbs and why do they matter?
How do sugar alcohols affect ketosis?
What is a keto cheat day?
How does cheating affect ketosis?
How can I get back into ketosis after a cheat day?
Can I eat low carb and low fat?
Are packaged keto diet foods really ketosis friendly?
When should I check my ketones?
Can you be on a keto diet and not check ketones?
Why should I use a ketone meter instead of urine test strips?
Why am I not in ketosis in the morning?
What is a no carb diet and is it safe?
What are keto pills?
Do keto pills work?
Should I take exogenous ketones?
I’m in ketosis. Why am I not losing weight?
What is Keto Flu?
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.